Our Advent Calendar


Christmas is my favorite time of year. It opens up so many doors for fun, gift giving, food, lights, music, and connecting with Jesus.

Our family is always looking for ways to be intentional about seeking Christ during this season in combination with all the fun activities of Christmas.

With this goal in mind, last year my wife put together an advent calendar that gave us a few things to do each day together during December (it includes everything from scripture readings, to singing carols, to baking cookies for a neighbor, to watching A Charlie Brown Christmas together).

To download the calendar, simply click here. When it downloads, you’ll get instructions for each day which you can cut out and glue to the back of these cards. Then, simply glue a clothespin to each card, and you’re done! Just clip the 24 cards to your Christmas tree (if you look closely at the above photo, you can see ours) and take one down each day as you countdown to Christmas.

We hope this resource will draw you nearer to Our King and to each other this Christmas.

-The Berg’s

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